Per la pubblicazione a livello mondiale: novembre 2014. Codice comunicato stampa: 549PR14. Le pale gommate grandi Cat sono progettate per garantire la massima durata e affidabilità per più cicli di vita. Grazie alle prestazioni ottimizzate e alla facilità di . Caterpillar pubblica, sul suo sito web, un comunicato ufficiale riguardo all’uscita di un nuovo modello di pala gommata da miniera – CAT 994K. The new Cat 994K Wheel Loader handles significantly greater payload compared to its predecessor, the 994H.
NYSE:CAT) has launched the newest addition to its repertoire, the massive 994K Wheel Loader. Buy 20CAT 99 19CAT 99 19CAT 99 20CAT 994 20CAT 994 20CAT 994F, 20CAT 994H, 20CAT 994H, 20CAT 994K at . Ecco gli annunci di Pale gommate che corrispondo alla tua ricerca: Pale gommate Caterpillar 9usate e nuove. The Cat 994K has just been announce with a commercial release in the first quarter of 2016. It’s not simply a new 9version, Cat new . The new Cat 994K Wheel Loader is Caterpillar’s largest wheel loader and handles significantly greater payload compared to its predecessor, . Cat Large Wheel Loaders are designed with durability built in, ensuring maximum availability through multiple life . Caterpillar has announced that its largest wheel loader ever, the 239-tonne 994K, will be available in Australia from the first quarter of 2016.
Introduced in 199 the 9has become the top customer choice in its size class for the last years. Focused on helping our customers succee we have . Modellino da collezione CAT 994K in vendita su Modellini. Cat Large Wheel Loaders are designed with durability built in, ensuring maximum availability through multiple life cycles. Displacement: 47in3; Torque Rise: ; Rated Speed: 6rpm; Emissions .