Durante l’estate del 200 alcuni eventi nel Nordest degli Stati Uniti, riguardanti una strana creatura dalle sembianze umane, accesero . Il Rake o più comunemente chiamato The Rake (il cui nome vuol dire: il rastrello) è. Il Rake o più comunemente chiamato The Rake (il cui nome vuol dire: il rastrello) è un personaggio immaginario, protagonista di racconti dell’orrore (creepypasta) e videogiochi, nato come . UChj22LaNUuJW2sl_m9uqzcg FACEBOOK: . Durante l’estate del 200 alcuni eventi nel Nordest degli stati uniti riguardanti una strana creatura dalle sembianze umane accesero . That gray thing that came up to your door. The grand council of internet virgins uses the name ‘the Rake’ and writes fanfiction about him. A ship’s log explained nothing of the encounter, saying only that they were told to leave by the Rake. That was the last entry in the log.
Quella riguardante The Rake è probabilmente una delle creepypasta più famose in assoluto. Per chi non lo conoscesse,The Rake sarebbe un mostro con . As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. The Rake is a creepypasta story about a creature that watches you while you sleep and kills you when you wake. If you frequent the vast world known as Creepypasta, then you are probably aware of the horror story known as ‘The Rake.
The Rake is a creepypasta story featuring a humanoid creature that stalks and attacks people in a manner similar to Slender Man. The first modern day stories either appeared on CreepyPasta.
Some stories even labeled the Rake as a paranormal specter. The Rake is even included in the first issue of the recently successfully crowd-funded Creepypasta comic book, as written by prolific Pasta . The Rake CreepyPasta by ChrisOzFulton. Stream THE RAKE: CREEPYPASTA by Little Miss Creepypasta from desktop or your mobile device.
Nous ne devrions pas retourner ici à la demande du Rake. Creepypasta originale ici L’originale ayant des formulations bizarres et la . This video is credited and created by that creepy reading , i don’t give this videos credit to me all goes to him.