Rake game

What about Bigfoot, Chupacabras,Rake or Skinwalkers? RAKE is the first game in our series of games about paranormal phenomena. This is small guid about How to play in Rake Multiplayer.

Il Rake o più comunemente chiamato The Rake (il cui nome vuol dire: il rastrello) è un. Data la notevole diffusione, gli appassionati cominciarono a creare alcuni fan game dedicati al Rake: il più conosciuto fu The Rake: Darkness, creato . It’s vague how much “talent” actually factors into the success of a micro-budget horror game. There are about a million renditions of the “walk .

There is a new Steam game called simply Rake that has been greenlit, and I have to say, it has everything I could want from a horror game. Rake popped up on Steam on July 13th, and it has taken me an entire week of consideration to finally decide to purchase a copy of the game. Originally by ProdigyZeta(thank you for engine) DTgames edits the Slender 3d game into a rake 3d game!

Collect all pages before the rake . Survive a night at camp while The Rake hunts you down! This game is copylocked Report Abuse .