Stomatopoda è un ordine di crostacei che conta circa 2specie di cui presenti nel mar Mediterraneo, per la maggior parte molto rare. They branched from other members of the class Malacostraca around 400 . Innanzi tutto bisogna dire che IL gamberetto e’ in realta’ un intero Ordine di creature (Stomatopoda), costituito da oltre 3specie, quindi .
There are ~3species of mantis shrimp (Stomatopoda). Pictured above is Odontodactylus scyllarus (source: Patek Caldwell, 2005). Stomatopoda: field work in the Patek Lab was created by the lab manager, Erica Staaterman.
Rems Production and Dive College present the world fastest punchers that are the mantis shrimps.
Stomatopoda – con specie esclusivamente marine bentoniche, che vivono in gallerie scavate nel sedimento o in cavità di substrati duri. Kemp enumerates in in all species from the Indo-Pacific Region; besides he says that 1species and varieties of adult Stomatopoda are known from . Stomatopods are commonly called mantis shrimp for an obvious reason. Despite their importance to reef . The Stomatopoda is an order of exclusively marine, predatory malacostracans, the only living representatives of the subclass Hoplocarida (Schram l986).